Friday, December 28, 2012

(k)No(w) More of Me

I need to somehow figure out how to make myself far more productive—either that or suddenly require less rest. The latter will never happen. This body was made for sleeping.

So. Productivity is the answer.

Here’s the problem: I like to be involved in a lot, and I like to be good at whatever I do. In reality, the more I take on, the more my performance plummets. But the demands in my life aren’t going to walk away.

So. Productivity is the answer.

Here’s what all I want/have to do: work, clean, cook, read, exercise (which gets dropped off the list weekly), study the Bible, pray, write, watch television with my husband, play with my kids, spend more time with my students, hang out with friends, have a little quiet time to myself. That covers the majority of my weekly concerns, but doesn’t touch on the random projects that pop up.

I try constantly to give myself an out whenever I do poorly in one category. Christmas, moving, busyness in general: these are all great excuses for why things don’t get done to the best of my ability.

But—productivity is the answer.

There won’t suddenly be more of me. There won’t suddenly be more hours in the day. I have to use me and my hours to their maximum potential.

This means staying up a little later, but not too late. This means checking out Pinterest for new recipes and ideas, but not spending hours on it. This means going to bed with enough energy left to read. This means making better to do lists. This means working out my CrockPot more. This means saying in a minute and I cannot right now less often to my kids. This means doing a better job of asking my husband to help. This means putting my priorities in line. Productivity is the answer.

So goodbye, 2012. You were busy and blessed. Hello, 2013—you will be the same. But, I’m going to be ready for you: ready, willing, and able to be the BEST self possible. Here’s to purpose, priorities, and productivity. 

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