But my understanding is strong. And secure. And logically valid.
This verse was the first in a seven day devotional series on decision making I started yesterday. Why yesterday in particular? Because we are house hunting!
If you follow this blog, you may remember this post about my learning humility from our condo being on the market for so many months. Well, we got a contract...hoping that all things go through for a closing in late November. Which means that, if everything does go through, we'll need a new home by that time. Which means that we are looking, in quite a short amount of time, for the house we want to suit our family for the next fifty-plus years. That's a lot of pressure, you say? I'm glad you agree with me!
In times like this, it's easy to
lean on my own understanding.
Why aren't there any suitable houses on the market in the target neighborhood I've thought, for more than a year now, that we are supposed to live in?
Am I supposed to open my mind to a different neighborhood?
Are we supposed to wait again?
What is the lesson here?
I am a professor, you see, and I think that lessons lie in pretty much...well...everything. I don't think it's a bad way to live--looking for learning in life's ups and downs and straight-ways, but it can be a little exhausting. Asking questions. Waiting for answers, or...more likely in my case...making up your own answers based on your own understanding.
Lean not on that, Jessa. Lean on Me.
So I'm doing a lot of praying and listening to others and considering options outside of my own understanding.
I don't like it.
And that's another life lesson.
House hunting in style with a scarf=my favorite fashion accessory. YAY for fall!
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